Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Reflection paper on date rape for Human Sexuality Essay

There are many sad stories of girls who have been violated by someone that they know. They almost all begin with a wonderful night and eventually get taken advantage of. The woman in the situation may feel as though she asked for it. The male may feel as though she didn’t say no, so if I do this I am doing nothing wrong. It is horrifying to me how many times this has happened to a woman. The number of times it happens to women is the most significant thing about date rape to me, because I didn’t realize that it happened so much. I think knowing this will help me to watch out for things around me a little better and make my trust level go down even further. I think all women need to watch out for themselves in sketchy situations. If she or I feel uncomfortable then she or I should try to avoid the situation before it is too late, if possible. This isn’t always as easy as it sounds though. There have been quite a few times that I was in situations where potentially very bad things could have happened to me and out of pure luck they didn’t. I am usually a very trusting person, but the past couple of years I’ve been having to rethink that and become more of an untrusting person to try to protect myself. Men take their strong, masculine image and use it to their advantage. They may try to use guilt, lies, alcohol, and/or aggressiveness to get a girl to have sex with them. If she declines and he still continues to have sex with her, then he is committing a crime. The worst part is that girls don’t really know who to trust or not to trust. It’s a very scary world in which we live. I wish the world was different and it was ok to trust everyone especially the people you are close to, but since it’s not I have to be really careful when choosing who I will trust.

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